
monday morning inspiration (in the form of ATCs)

Artist Trading Cards (or ATCs) are miniature works of art about the same size as modern baseball cards, or 2 ½ X 3 ½ inches (63 mm X 89 mm), small enough to fit inside standard card-collector pockets, sleeves or sheets. The ATC movement developed out of the mail art movement and has its origins in Switzerland. Cards are produced in various media, including dry media (pencils, pens, markers, etc.), wet media (watercolor, acrylic paints, etc.), paper media (in the form of collage, papercuts, found objects, etc.) or even metals or cloth. The cards are usually traded or exchanged rather than sold.

I received an invitation for the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition Annual Members' Meeting. The theme is 'game night' and attendees are invited to bring small works of art to be traded with other artists. There was an artist trading card template attached to the invite, which encouraged to make as many as you like... the more you bring, the more you can trade.  

Needless to say, I've spent the entire day making cards :)


  1. Wow Sarah, those are so cool! So can cards be prints or do they need to be one of a kind collage types and/or art? Are these photoshopped or are they collages? Anyway, too cool, you should totally try some of these in your Etsy shop!

  2. Those are awesome!! Nice job <3 I love making ACEO cards!! Such awesome artwork made into a tiny card :)


  3. Awesome, Sara! I really like the "express yourself" one, but I think my favorite is the "follow no one" one. :) Great job, I love 'em!

  4. Thanks ladies! I appreciate all the positive feedback, especially since this is my first attempt! :)

    Laurie... From what I read, you don't print them, you just draw or paint or make collages. I was going to just make tiny prints of my paintings but this was so much more fun! These are all collages. My next project is getting thicker paper and painting.

  5. HOW GORGEOUS :) LOVE these!!!!!!!! I totally agree with primal painter, these would do lovely in your etsy shop :) sooo prettiful

  6. So many tiny, gorgeous cards!! The girls have done a homeschool ACEO swap this year and it's so much fun seeing what cards they end up with! Nice work, now you'll have to share the cards you end up with!! :)


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