
fresh paint

well for a while it seems as though I had so many thoughts that I had nothing to say. I had too much time and not enough motivation.

Now my thoughts are still running rampant, but rather than dwelling on the past, they are looking into the future. Now I have too much to do, and not enough time. The less time I have, the more I want to do... figures.

So I have a part time job now... I'm a Marketing Assistant/Intern and work 20-25 hours a week. I'm still taking 4 on-line classes (and maintaining my 4.0) and am drowning in homework. I bought a car last week... yay! I also have been painting and hanging out with my friends...

on a pier on Lake Mendota in Madison, WI w/ Miranda

my latest... 12"x12"x1.5"
And now off to get ready for work! This is only my second week and I'm hoping to get a schedule down so I can start blogging regularly again!

I hope you have a beautiful day :)


if a picture is worth a thousand words

I find it incredibly difficult to focus on sitting inside on my computer doing little things like blogging (and homework!) when there's so much beauty waiting for me outside...

hello fall!
my style in footwear has slightly changed...

early morning sun




horse love
this is why I love fall


so tiny, but so loud!


my favorite tree
because I love laying under it

absorbing it's beauty

maybe this is why I love painting trees

home sweet home :)

starting some seeds for my cold frame!

seeds I ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

freshly picked

pumpkin muffins.... yum
washing cherry tomatoes

pickling cherry tomatoes
Lots of pictures, I know... I didn't feel like doing homework and went a little camera-crazy :)
The pictures just seem to sum up my day more so than words.

One more tidbit.... Thank you Steve Jobs for your innovation, creative genius, and inventing the amazing MacBook Pro sitting in front of me <3
"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -- Steve Jobs @ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address.